Saturday, August 14, 2010

Sliced Bread, Barrels of Kraut, and Star Gazing...

Other than GOD created them, what do these 3 have in common?  Not a thing that I can think of other than that was my yesterday...

I made corn beef on Wednesday in the crockpot so we could have ruben sandwiches.  I told dh we needed kraut, cheese, and bread.  He wanted to come home for lunch, so he picked up two huge jars!  I called him later and asked him if he still had the receipt for the barrels of kraut...LOL  I said, "We don't even go through a can, it would take us forever to get through just one jar!" 

So then, I went to get the bread, because Wally world didn't have rye...imagine that, with all the bread they do have, no rye?  So I went to the grocery store.  I was looking in the bread section.  I see sliced bread...I see dark rye and jewish rye...they want a ridiculous price for hardly any bread.  I see the bakery...I think to myself, "Hmmm, maybe they have some over there."  I walk over and see whole loaves of rye-dark and jewish rye...not sliced though...go over to the counter.  Now this might seem like a stupid question, but seriously I didn't know.  I ask the gal, "Do you slice bread?  You know if it's a full loaf?"  She replies, "Yes, we do."  I go get the loaves....then as she is slicing them I see a self slicer right in front of me...boy do I feel like an idiot...I mention something about that, and she says, "Don't worry about it."  :D 

Last night there was suppose to be a meteor shower.  Dh and Ds went out to gaze at it.  They were out for awhile, but I didn't know that's what they were doing, so I went out to find out what they were doing.  I see them both in lounge chairs gazing up.  I decide to stay out too.  I ended up staying out there for over an hour.  I wonder why I don't do that more often.  I love to look up at the stars and think of GOD's creation.  So peaceful and quiet, a nice gentle breeze was blowing-it was perfect for gazing at the stars!


Susan said...

All sounds good to me. We love the Jewish Rye. Just finishing up a loaf now.

Rosemary said...

Does that make star gazing the best thing since sliced bread?