Bella and I got new bikes last week. They are the old fashioned push pedal, brake pedal type. I haven't had a new bike in 25 years. Before we moved to ND, I got rid of my old 10 speed in a garage sale. I seldom rode that bike. I could never get use to the brakes on the handle bars and never did understand how to do all the gears. I was raised on an old brake type-so I was happy to see them making a come back! :D Bella and my bikes looks like this only a different color. She got a light blue and I got a fushia color.
Let me tell you what! WHAT!!! LOL...riding a bike at 45 is NOT the same as riding a bike when I was 13! (Well that and the fact, I'm so out of shape!) I can barely make it up a small incline. I can't imagine riding up an actually hill! Thankfully, the park has a nice loop about a mile long, that I've been able to go around a few times each night, with very small inclines. I think I'll just keep working on that before I take any hills! But I can imagine in a few months time, if I keep it up, I'll be a tad slimmer! (well I hope so, at least)
Blessings until next time!
My dear hubby just fixed up my bike, so I'll be joining you in your rides. You are right---it's not the same as it was when I was a kid! LOL
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