I was reading my KCM devotional this morning and two key points stuck out. I probably have blogged about them in a similar way, but thought I would share them with you this morning.
In the world's way of thinking, money has no value unless fear is applied to it. Think about this:
Fear says, "I've worked hard for this. I may not have another opportunity to have this much again, so I'd better hold on to it as long as I can...'cause you never know.'"
Faith, on the otherhand, says, "I received all these riches by believing God, and as long as God is around, there is always more where this came from."
And isn't that so true? both statements? I've been on both sides-the side of allowing fear to make me think this is all I have, and the side of faith, knowing GOD will continue to provide. Guess which side is easy and light? :D
Matthew 11:30-"For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light"
But isn't that true with all the principles of life? If we trust GOD for our finances, our health, restoration in relationships, etc, isn't it that we are living opposite of fear and living a full and an abundant life? and isn't that what we are called to do?
Blessings until next time!