Tuesday, June 3, 2008


We got dh a GPS system for his birthday. It was on back order. It finally arrived the day after I got home. Dh called and said he picked it up. He was hesitant on having one...he really wanted to use the money for a depth finder for the boat. I convinced him he needed one...after all the cities we've lived in, it's hard to remember where you're at sometimes...and frankly I get tired of driving in circles after a while. So dh tries the system out and calls me to tell me how much he loves it. I was so glad! I asked him if he was going to name it Lola like in the movie "RV" or "Hank-Hank instead of Tom-Tom??? "No, because it's mine so I named it Meme like mine! mine!"

Dh had to work Saturday am. I called him and asked, "When you got in your truck did you say, Hi Meme. My wife's not here like in the movie RV?" "No, you have to program it in and I'm mad at Meme." "Oh why's that?" "Because she wouldn't find me a Duncan Donut this morning"
Of course by this time I'm laughing and I say, I like Meme! She knows you don't need donuts!"

Later that day, I get a call from dh..."Meme died."
" WHAT???? Oh NO, what happened?" (I'm thinking dh is talking about his great aunt for some reason...)
"She won't take a charge" That's when it dawned on me it was the GPS system-duh! "Maybe it's because she knows you're mad at her because of the donuts" LOL

He returned Meme and got another one...for some reason the first one was malfunctioning.


Anonymous said...

How funny.

Anonymous said...

Hey girl, I left the lounge because to many WWW memberships was vying for my attention, its just a task to keep my blog updated daily/ weekly. I prefer my blog more than anything else. But Hey I am glad to see you stopped by. The hubby is well, the kids and I are well, and well life is going .....over all pretty well good. ha ha. Have a good one my online buddy!


Anonymous said...

that's funny. Give me a head's up a few days before you head my direction and I'll clear my calendar.